
How to Know When It's Time to Replace Your Roof

How to Know When It's Time to Replace Your Roof

Some projects are DIY, some projects require professional roofing contractors to replace your roof.

How to Know When It's Time to Replace Your Roof


If you're the DIY type, replacing your roof may seem like a daunting task. However, if you keep an eye on its condition and take measures to ensure that it's safe and secure, you'll be able to prevent issues before they become costly problems. There are however times you'll need to call a professional roofer for maintenance, repair, or replacement.

You may be able to repair leaks yourself. But some are too big for DIY.

If you think you can fix the problem yourself, start by checking for damaged shingles. Look around your roof and look for obvious signs of wear and tear. If you find any cracks or holes in the shingles, it could be time to replace them—but only if it's a minor issue.

If you think replacing your own roof is out of reach or too expensive, call a professional instead. You should always call a licensed contractor when repairing anything on your home because they know what to look for and how much trouble each repair will take before starting work on your house.

Make sure you have appropriate insurance coverage.

Insurance coverage is a big part of maintaining your roof. If you plan to repair the current roof, make sure that the damage has not already been repaired by another company and that you are not paying too much for a problem that has already been fixed.

If you're looking to replace your entire roof, make sure it's covered under your insurance policy. If not, consider getting additional coverage through any homeowner's or renter's insurance policies (you may be able to purchase additional policy services from within your existing policy).

If you have a mortgage on the home with the damaged roof, check with them about whether they offer insurance for homeowners before signing up for anything else!

Know when to call in a professional.

If you notice any of the following issues, it's time to call in a professional:


The first sign of trouble for your roof is water damage inside your home. Although this can happen due to heavy rain or snow accumulation, it's also possible that a leak has developed in your home's ceiling or walls. If you see signs of moisture around the seams of your ceiling or walls and suspect there might be a leak in the roof decking above them, then it's probably time for an inspection from someone who knows what they're doing (like us!)

Roof damage from strong winds or high-speed storms.

When strong winds and high-speed storms cause large trees on neighboring properties to fall down onto yours, those damages will affect more than just what's visible on top; these events can also cause structural weaknesses within the framework itself that could lead to further problems down the road if left unchecked.

Set up a plan to finance repairs or replacement.

If you want to know if it's time to replace your roof, you'll need to make a plan for how you're going to pay for it. The best way is by setting aside money each month—and then starting the process as soon as possible.

But first, consider these options:

Financing options:

This option has many advantages over taking out a traditional home loan. One advantage is that there are fewer restrictions on who qualifies for financing and how much they can borrow; some companies offer up to 100% financing. Another advantage is that interest rates tend to be lower than those of traditional mortgages; however, they can vary widely depending on your credit score and other factors. You can also ask Northwest Roofing Restoration about their interest free financing.

Tax deductions:

Look into possible tax deductions in your area. Talk to a tax accountant about saving some extra money on home repair deductions.

If you know the signs, you won't have to worry about the stress of keeping up with your roof's needs.

Knowing the signs of a failing roof can help you avoid the stress of worrying about it. You may have noticed some of these signs already, but if you're not sure, take a look at this list to see if any apply to your situation:

● Your attic has become damp or moldy.

If your attic has become wet and there's moisture in the air above it, then it's likely that water is leaking into the insulation and onto your ceiling downstairs. This will cause damage to both ceilings as well as furniture and belongings stored in those areas. If this happens frequently enough—and depending on how much water gets through—it could also leave stains on walls or floors below where runoff drips down from above.

● You hear popping noises coming from inside your home during heavy rainfall days (or other times when there’s lots of wind).

When rain falls onto an aging roof with shingles that aren’t sealed properly against leaks under pressure, this can cause loud pops throughout different parts of the house because old nails are being pulled out by force instead of bending like they should so that they don't tear apart entire sections at once! If you notice this, it's time to call for an inspection to see if any repairs or preventive maintenance needs performed.


If you're not sure if it's time to replace your roof, ask a reputable roofing company in your area to come and take a look. Replacing a roof is one of the most expensive home repairs you can make and an important decision that should be made carefully. But if you know the signs, and you are prepared, you won't have to worry about scrambling when it's time for a replacement.

If you feel there may be an issue that requires a professional, contact Northwest Roofing Restoration for an inspection or free estimate on repair or replacement.